Today Salhi Plast online factory inspection
Many trading companies now claim that they have a factory, but when the machine is purchased, the construction period is not guaranteed, the quality is uncertain, and the after-sales service is more imperfect, stepping into a huge pit. Mr. Salhi Plast is very worried that we are a shell of a trading company. For this reason, I and I conducted an online factory inspection. We introduced our parts processing workshop, various warehouses of our machines and the exhibition hall of our machines. Wait. During the factory inspection, Mr. Mr. can see our machines and workshops more intuitively, and raised the corresponding questions. We all answered them one by one. Mr. Salhi Plast said, your factory is the best one I have ever seen. You are a big factory, and you will be able to give him the most satisfactory machine.
During the epidemic situation, we can conduct an exclusive online factory inspection for you. You are welcome to come to Liming stamping form machine Co., Ltd. at any time.