The Roll-Forming Process – when Forming complex Profiles is needed
Liming roll-formers can be widely used in most industries to form a variety of complex materials, such as Steel, Inconel, Titanium, and Aluminum based alloys. Rotary roll-formers apply an unique metal forming technology that generates complex profiles to straight sided and conical shape hollow cylinders. This process produces accurately dimensioned parts with essentially uniform cross section.
The tooling design and process parameters control the material thickness. It is typically preferred that the material thickness does not change. The Roll-Former forming rolls are mounted on two driven spindles. The lower spindle can be moved vertically toward or away from the upper spindle to provide the rotary motion during the roll forming process. The spindles are controlled by different forming process steps. When necessary, the part will be guided by side guides which help guide the part during the forming process.
Another successful benefit of roll-formers is the “near net shape” roll-forming process. The principle is the same; however, because of the special design, the roll-former has specific forces to allow material to displace in radial and axial directions. All kinds of shapes can be formed to reduce or to eliminate additional machining.
Roll-formers are commonly used for making parts in automotive, aerospace, power generation and other industries.